What We Do
CCFF wants to ensure that every father and family in Kentucky is aware of and can access a fatherhood engagement program or service. CCFF DOES NOT provide direct services to fathers but rather provides TA, support, advocacy, and education so that direct service providers may function effectively.

The Commonwealth Center for Fathers and Families strives to improve the lives of Kentucky families by ensuring fathers are actively engaged in the lives of their children.
Reduction of child maltreatment
Reduction of substance misuse disorder among fathers and within the family
Increase in economic stability for the family
Successful reentry or reintegration into the community after incarceration
Increase in healthy relationships and positive communication with co-parents
Together, we will...
Develop the skills of providers to engage fathers so they can increase self-sufficiency and engage in healthy co-parenting.
Develop an infrastructure to support father-facing and father-serving organizations.
Work with federal, state, and local governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and concerned citizens to develop and advocate for laws, policies, procedures, practices, and funding to enhance fatherhood outcomes.
Increase public awareness across the state of Kentucky about the benefits of positive fatherhood engagement.
Create an efficient, comprehensive fatherhood information management system for effective data collection, analysis, and distribution.